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The consequences of lies deteriorate a person’s soul. “Today i don’t want to write with a capital I, i want to write with out having to worry about auto correct.” (That is a lie) why? because we all want to be accepted or seen in a particular way. I am a person that has to work on my emotions.


Because when anyone says something about me, although I might joke about it, the statement hurts deeply. Am I considered weak for publicly saying something like this to whoever wants to read this? Maybe yes; I honestly don’t know. What I can say, which might seem irrelevant, is that I am very excited that I can finally type at my speed and my computer follows me. Yes….I have a new Chromebook. (If you read my beginning blogs, you will understand what I mean. If not, then you won’t)

Lies….I have always wondered why people lie. I used to be a great liar, yes…..I learned that from my peers, parents, and everyone around me. Then, after lying, I became a sincere person. That is also bad. Why? Because you hurt people's feelings. In my forty-something years, I have learned that not everyone is equipped with the knowledge to accept certain things and many times, we have to have a certain level of tact when speaking or addressing others.

But going back to lies. A study found that lying becomes easier the more people lie. Why? Because lying changes the brain. If you don’t believe me, look it up! (The amygdala that deals with the emotional responses) When we lie, or we are being lied to, it causes or can lead to depression and anxiety. When people lie to avoid any situation in their lives, make constant jokes, and don’t talk about whatever is affecting or bothering them, the same problems continue, and the situation worsens.

I speak from experience. I was talking to a close friend of mine today, and let me say that I may not have many friends in my life, but I’m very happy for the few but good ones in my life. I was saying that it is tough to be alone. Now many people do not understand the terminology in my book (when i mean my book it means what level of loneliness or aloneness I’m referring to) Many people confuse loneliness with aloneness. Aloneness means isolation, being without friends, solitariness, and lonesomeness. Loneliness is a lack of feeling or something missing, a pain, a need, or an incompleteness.

I am not lonely. But my decisions in life have brought me to a life of aloneness, and I’m ok with that. Why? Because I have chosen to live in peace and tranquility and not surround myself with people who are toxic or bring one down. It's bad enough that, sometimes, even people we love are not empathetic enough and hurt us, possibly unwillingness.

That, to me, is more than enough. I love my peace, even though, as I was sharing with my friend, it could become, at times, too quiet, but amid silence, we can learn to know ourselves and work to better ourselves. And if I am a better me every day. I can wake up and give a better me to the world and smile, breathe truth, empathy, love, serenity, care, passion, compassion, and forgiveness, which are things that every day with the lies we throw out the window and teach our young generation how to build of fallacies that will only develop into a society full of anxiety and depression in the future.

Let's look into our hearts and work on ourselves. It's never too late. I’m working on myself even at almost fifty years old. Everyone who has read this blog until here with my simple, plain English (lol) can also work on themselves. It's a decision. Have a great new day full of sunshine and hope! And remember, it is never too late to change.


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1 Comment

Lil Bubba
Lil Bubba
Dec 26, 2024

The consequences of lies really do eat away at a person’s soul, as you mentioned. It’s interesting how even something small, like the lie about not wanting to write with a capital 'I', can reflect a deeper desire to be seen or accepted. We all struggle with being honest in some way, especially when it comes to our emotions. It reminds me a bit of how some people might rely on tools, like used curbing trailers, to make their work easier or more polished, but in the end, the authenticity still matters most—whether it's in our words or actions.

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